Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Several people have asked me lately… Are you a Witch?

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So to save lots of other people saying it…. I’d better explain….

I was born into an ancient family of English Witches. So I am an Hereditary Witch, or Village Wise Man, because I have a lot of ancestral knowledge stored in the back of my funny shaped skull; that enables me to help people. I've also done all the necessary training.

When I was young the Second World War was raging and a lot of non-physical work was needed to help the War Effort.

Being an ‘Outsider or Outlaw’ and a bit of ‘Problem Child’ I was sent to a ‘Special’ school in Ashdown Forest. It was there, on my ninth birthday; I was Initiated into Tree Magick and started my 25 year apprenticeship.

A local Witch heard about it and told her Coven, about me… and the next thing I knew, they ‘Recognised’ me and I was Initiated into the Ashdown Coven, by the Priestess, Gladys Langridge.

My Wiccan friends, might be interested to know that later Gladys married Bobbie Clutterbuck and was the High Priestess who later Initiated Gerald Gardener into the craft.

Anyway, the reason the local coven needed me, plus mom and dad, and my grandfather; was because, a very special event was coming up and a lot of Weather Magick would be required.

For some unknown reason, attempting to control the weather, was a craft-idea, peculiar to us ‘On-the-Chalk’ Witches.

In May and June of 1944, the weather was much, much wetter than normal, and the ‘hush, hush’ D-Day Landing was unable to proceed, unless the weather changed. In fact thousands of troops were hidden out of sight, in all the local forests, awaiting the rain to ease-up and the invasion to start.

At the beginning of June, Witches came from far and wide to a sacred high-place in Ashdown Forest.

Here we all crowded into the ‘Power-Vortex’ and did a very special circle dance, for hour after hour, in the rain and mud, until at last, the Rain Gods realised we were serious, started to form the ‘Window in the Weather’ that enabled the D-Day landing to go ahead.

Soon there were military vehicles wverywhere, rushing the troops to the sea, whilst we trudged home soaked to the skin.

For the next 24 hours the skies were full of wave after wave, of aircraft heading for Europe; and by the end of the day, half of our ‘boys’ were dead in France; but the tide of war had changed.

Since then, I’ve tried to use my witchcraft talents for helping people, as the Village Witches in my family have always done.

I know that a lot of my readers are witches of one sort or another; and I hope they too are using their talents to help people.

I would also like to assure all my hundreds of German Friends that we bear you no ill-will, you were brainwashed by your government just as we were. We really are cousins you know!

More about Witches to come…. So stay tuned for the next item.

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