Sunday, January 28, 2007


The Secret Life of Trees…. Part 2

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In Part 1 which I posted last November; I talked about the different levels of energy that I live within.

I also mentioned my ‘Eerie Eyrie’ where I have regular contact with the ‘higher’ or psychic level of the local Tree World. You could call it, my Quantum Consciousness Communications Centre.

Trees have a fascinating Higher-Self, like us, that I would like to tell you about; but we humans don’t have the right words to explain it.

It is something that we’ve never needed to talk about until now; so we’ve never invented the correct words to do the job.

So to make it easier to understand, I propose to talk about how we humans operate, first, to give us some common ground.

Then, I’ll go and try to explain how Tree-Spirits or Dryads operate; and how they and us can work together for our common good.

Words, however are the stumbling block. With the advent of the New Age, most words that are in common use in the so-called Occult, have acquired many spurious means that are quite out of context with their original dictionary meaning.

For example; people love the word Astral or Astra, as it rolls nicely of the tongue.

In Latin, it meant Star or Star like, so the motto, ‘Per Ardua Ad Astra’ meaning "Through Struggles to the Stars" actually conveyed something.

Over 100 years ago, the Theosophical Society used it to describe a star like level of being for the human psyche.

But now, chaos reigns… We have Astra Cars, Astral Tennis balls, Astral Clothing, Astral Pop Groups, and in London, there is even, an all night café, exclusively for Taxi-drivers, called The Astral Café. Come back Douglas Adams, all is forgiven!

So I can’t use words like this as everybody thinks they know them and are probably wrong.

In my parents day, they taught me using an age-old metaphor, that had stood the test-of-time, by being passed down by word-of-mouth for countless generations.

So I’m going to used this metaphor and leave it to you to put names ( that mean something to you ) on the various situations as they come up. This way we should all end up with the same ‘plot’ but described in your on individual words.

This way it will, also become your own private information that no one can take away from you. This, in our family, we define as true understanding, and a basis for developing wisdom.

So in Part 3 we will start with the Elfin Metaphor of ‘The Horse and Rider.’

Bookmark this site and stay tuned for the next exciting episode….

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